today is my eldest brother's birthday
i almost forgot actually
happy birthday adik
hope u will succeed in ur PMRU exam this year
i'm very2 sorry, i know i've been mistreated u a lot
and i'm sory too about that day, we end up at pizza not kfc
i'll buy u lots of KFC when i'm home, OK????
i promise
i know, mom is not at home celebrating with u
she'll be home tomorrow, till then u need to behave ok?
happy birthday my dear, i luv u soo much....mmmuuuaahh!!!
i almost forgot actually
happy birthday adik
hope u will succeed in ur PMRU exam this year
i'm very2 sorry, i know i've been mistreated u a lot
and i'm sory too about that day, we end up at pizza not kfc
i'll buy u lots of KFC when i'm home, OK????
i promise
i know, mom is not at home celebrating with u
she'll be home tomorrow, till then u need to behave ok?
happy birthday my dear, i luv u soo much....mmmuuuaahh!!!
happy bithday adik~
haih...aku xingt lgsg!!!!..
dh la aku balik time besday dio...aiyakkkkk
haha, aku ingt ko mu tau....dio sedih mu tau x....ijah sorg jah hok tepon wish ko dio....aku tepon esok tuh....xpo, kto wak srprise la nati...haha
patut la muka dio pelik time aku nk balik tuh...xkelih pon aku...ksian la plok
ahahaha..baguhs kakok2 adik ni..tok ingt besday adik dio..hahaha
akak yg sopan ;p
p/s: besday aku tinggal bbrapa hari,leh countdown, mu tok igt jd bubur nasi la mu
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