Tuesday, January 13, 2009

a littLe hOmeSicK

in less than two weeks, we'll be going home for mid-semester break n also for Chinese New Year celebration
as the day comes closer, i'm starting to feel homesick....huhu
cam xcaya lak.....kiki
jarang sesangat la nk homesick cmnie....

huhu, i miss my mom badly......ari 2 dpt berita yg my mom demam, smpai xg sekolah.....
smpai xg sekolah 2 bleh kira agk teruk la 2......take care of your health mom.... :)

also miss this cutie and her sisters......lama dh diorang x calling2 dgn private number 2......rasa rndu nk dgr suara2 comel diorang......everytime diorang kol, the 1st question is "kak nadiah, bila nk balik?"........huhu, nanti kakak balik, kite g makan KFC ek......eh? KFC termasuk dlm list kena boikot ker????

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

me too..


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