aish, dh seminggu simpan story nie
xpe2, aslkn citer sudah
last sunday, team laki ada frenly match dgn under 18 skol Chung Hwa
tp aku dgn kak mira trpksa main jgk sbb player laki xcukup
so ktorg main la, pitcher n catcher
mmm, ok la, 1st bat dh K2......
xpe2, aslkn citer sudah

last sunday, team laki ada frenly match dgn under 18 skol Chung Hwa
tp aku dgn kak mira trpksa main jgk sbb player laki xcukup
so ktorg main la, pitcher n catcher
mmm, ok la, 1st bat dh K2......

prob sgt klau psl batting

tp lama2 2 dh bley catch up the game
at least dpt la 1 run....

overall ktorang main teruk.....keke
nasib baik la frenly
klau x truk kena marah dgn Mr. Loh....

sbg catcher??? trsgt teruk
communicate dgn pitcher??
be aggressive???
u kena bising???
sesungguhnya, i'm not that type of person
i'm not agressive
lebih2 lg depan laki
saya ni pemalu......

bising??? saya ni pendiam, xsuka menjerit2......
from my experience, mmg catcher seorang yg agresif
xmalu, kena menjerit kuat2
...............i'll try la.............

aihh.....elok2 jer gambar tadik....
tup2 tinggal 2 jer......
nasib ler tinggal gambar yg penting....
tup2 tinggal 2 jer......

nasib ler tinggal gambar yg penting....
this is Mr Loh, coach yg sgt bising, suka sgt make fun of me, tp xper, xpenah terasa pn
n he is the one yg selalu marah klau saya bat.....
"nadia, tgn kiri u x keluar, nothing, show me something, i know u can do it"
ayat yg tp2 kali training msti ada punyer

n die sgt2 geram kalau saya bat xjadik
huhu, sori sir, i still dont understand the mechanism

n he is the one yg selalu marah klau saya bat.....
"nadia, tgn kiri u x keluar, nothing, show me something, i know u can do it"

ayat yg tp2 kali training msti ada punyer

n die sgt2 geram kalau saya bat xjadik
huhu, sori sir, i still dont understand the mechanism

and this is Mr Ong, coach yg sgt caring, xpenah marah
sgt sopan santun, never find a coach like him
never raise his voice to players
and he is one of the amazing pitcher
in a very far distance, he still can pitch the ball straight to the catcher
sgt2 kagum, but he's newlywed, xleh nk kaco....hehe

hehe, gurau jer
tomorrow, another frenly match
international players
slow pitch

p/s:terkenang kembali kenangan lalu, zainabian's sofbol team
ss-eda or amni
cf, lf, rf-phana, yus, sorang lg xingt

sori ler kepada sape2 yg saya xingt position 2, sori sgt2....

sgt sopan santun, never find a coach like him

and he is one of the amazing pitcher
in a very far distance, he still can pitch the ball straight to the catcher
sgt2 kagum, but he's newlywed, xleh nk kaco....hehe

hehe, gurau jer
tomorrow, another frenly match
international players
slow pitch

p/s:terkenang kembali kenangan lalu, zainabian's sofbol team

ss-eda or amni
cf, lf, rf-phana, yus, sorang lg xingt

sori ler kepada sape2 yg saya xingt position 2, sori sgt2....

kritikan membina khas untuk anda...
main pape pn kna agresif...
igt main sport ni mkn angin, holiday tepi pntai apa...
sport la bt hilg rsa malu, pndiam...
blh jerit tgh2 pdg...
kemon la...
iye la
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