Monday, August 31, 2009

Merdeka Day

dh 52 years kita merdeka
happy merdeka day to all

kehangatannya xterasa sgt this year
maybe sbb dlm bulan puasa
at least mlm td nmpk jgk fireworks
bersyukur ada jgk yg celebrate, biar aku xcelebrate pon

8.30 pg td ada kelas ganti lab
dgn malasnya bgn
xsmpai sejam dh siap
nasib baik ada kakak tersayang bg tumpang
klau x kena jalan la, ari ni mna ada bas
tq kak Azni!!!

so, off to sleep balik la

p/s: feels very empty this weekend, why?
personal prob, xleh nk share....aihh

Saturday, August 29, 2009

ThE TaStE of FrendsHiP

today, 29 August , i'm officially 21st years old
greatest thank you 2 suezack for the surprise
and the cake was scrumptious
the surprise was for ama's belated and for my becoming birthday

thanks for the wishes that i've been receiving
smpai ada yg awal 2 3 ari
xpe, aslkn ada niat nk wish
tq2 very much

but this year
i'm not really into this birthday thing
doesnt mean anything when the loved ones is not here

tambah2 lg, i have problem with my old number
so ptg td dh tuka no baru
since ramai lg yg xtau
terasa sunyi sket dunia nie

thank GOD, i still have frens
thank you for being there for me

p/s: mood=not good

Friday, August 28, 2009

Its Raining All Day

dr tgh hari smlm until now still lg hujan
smlm dh meredah hujan pegi kelas
hari ni pn sama
kelas pkul 8, n only GOD knows how much i dont want to take a bath
kambing pon kambing la
sgt sejuk, xmndi pn dh menggigil basuh tgn, kalau mndi xtau nk ckp la
tp mndi jgk la, aslkn cukup syarat


for the whole week, kelas pkul 8 mmg dh trponteng secara automatiknya
ari ni jer terasa mata segar nk g
yela, lepas subuh jer sambung tido
ssh dh la nk bgn g kelas
bila la nk ubah perangai buruk nie

sekarang the bestest thing to do is sleep
masa hujan la tido yg paling nikmat
jom tido!!!!


p/s: semalam dh tukar postpaid to prepaid, tp simcard still lg x activate, so sape2 yg anta msg failed phm2 jela, i pn xleh nk cntct sape2, maybe ari ni bleh, tp lmbt sket kot

Thursday, August 27, 2009

che Ama TuO suDah.....kekeke

hepi birthday ama!!!!


hadiah akan ku usahakan
memandangkan fulus yg semakin kering skrg nie


p/s: asal font xleh nk besarkn ek?????:24:

Sunday, August 23, 2009

SaLaM RamAdHAn

a bit late la kn
e-card ni from irfat

semoga kite semua dpt mnjalankan ibadah puasa dgn sempurna
pegi bazar smpai penuh plastik kt tgn
jgn membazir k!

azam pose kali ni=berjimat cermat
berbuka ari ni + sahur pagi esok=RM2
believe it or not???


nota kaki: esok ade test, study3.....aihhhh

|:. LaMa SudAh.:|

lama sudah x meng'update' blog nie
seminggu cuti tanpa ape2 cerita
and yeah, it was heaven bila bercuti di rumah...hehe
ape yg ku buat????
only god knows

ari ni dh ari ke-2 puasa
and for both days, i am already in Penang
byk sgt assgnment that currently needs my attention
ari ni buku organic chem asyik pggl suruh bt keje
but katil pulak memanggil suruh tido
tau kenapa? dari pagi smpai ke ptg non stop hujan okeh
sgt sejuk n sgt best tido

tp dgn berkat bulan puasa, dpt jgk ku hadapi dugaan tido
buku yg tebal2 2 jgk yg dihadap

n guess what? i already got a present 4 my becoming birthday ....yeay!!!

seriously he was very attentive to what i've said
and he got this present because back then i said that i want to have this 'thing'
but i have to save money 4 what is more important
tq very much dear, i really2 love it
ape bnda ni ek???

i really need to get back to my assignments

hutang entri:
i have a tag from ha
n a card from irfat
i'll do it a.s.a.p okeh


Sunday, August 16, 2009

convo VS ChoC BanaNa Cake...

Fri, 14 August 2009

today is my sis convocation ceremony

i manage to enter the hall
my dad xnk masuk sbb boring
n it is boring okeh

this cake is specially made for her
from me n shah
(bukan i yg bake okeh, xreti)

i love this bouquet very much....hahaha
sndri yg pilih, msti la suke kn....kekeke

congratulations tiey


this handmade choc is for my younger sis belated birthday
both cake n choc, i ordered from kak shada
and both were delicious okeh....mmmm



Thursday, August 13, 2009

Dr Muna

Wed 12/08/09

congratulations to kak muna a.k.a Dr Muna yg konvo rabu lepas
its good to see u
jmpa cik abgnye 1x...hehe
katak hijau 2 from me n bytea



WhaT The He**!!

a lab replacement class on my birthday?????
this is not happening okay

but there's nothing i can do



ada sorang bdk nie request
die nk aku post entri about ape yg aku xsuka psl die
pelik, pelik, pelik.....

aku mls nk tulis bnda2 xelok psl org nie
tp die paksa jgk
so tertulis la nie

# ungkit-mengungkit
i tau u baik, tp xyah la nk ungkit2 okeh.....i already know

# marah
i xsuka sbb i xtau nk pujuk

# gurau
i xkesah u nk brgurau, tp jgn lebih2 okeh

# kalau sy salah, ok fine, sy mintak maaf tp jgn la besar2kn hal 2, just stop right there

#please2 understand that i have frens to take care of, but that doesnt mean i didnt care about u......

xtau dh ape yg xsuka, rsa mcm bnyk.....kekeke
mybe yg bnyk2 2 bnda sama je kot, i'll update la klau ada lg


p/s: puas ati???

C0ngratULatiONs Tina

sorang lg memberku tlh selamat melangsungkn perkahwinannya
but this one mggu lepas baru tau die nk kawin, n selasa lepas kot die kawin
Tina is my rumate masa kt Qber

congratulations my dear
walaupun terkejut kamu kawin awal
xper la, menghalalkan hubungan xslh pon kn
semoga kamu berdua bahagia selamanya....


gambar itu telah dicuri dr facebook
mintak maaf kpd tuan punye gambar....kekeke

p/s: td jumpa sorg lg mmber yg dh kawin, eela n abg hafiz
seronok tgk member2 dh kwin....kekeke

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Like A Child

love made people to act like a child
it is true

n i really2 love this song
even xreti nk nyanyi
lirik die best okeh

short version from Alex

sape2 yg tgk TV Show We Got Married tau la sape Alex & Shin Ae

when I say 'I love u'
and you accept me
there's nothing more I wish for
I say that in confidence

but I get ashamed in my growing desire
again, all day I'm nervous thinking of you
I'm so jealous
I'm so scared
I dont trust you smiling by my side like this

I like you so much
it's too much too handle
I'm afraid if I close my eyes
it will all disappear
I cant fall asleep

I want to give
I want to receive
I want to share everything that other couples can share

I'm impatient
I'm closed minded
I'm afraid it will all fall apart for no reason
I'm insecure

for making me smile
for making me cry
for making my heart throb like this once again in my life

for making me believe
for giving me strength
if I close my eyes
the first words that come are
'thank you so much'

for coming to me
for making me dream
having given me the gift that called 'us'
I love U


p/s: versi pnjg??? carik sndri ek....hehehe


on sunday he was on quarantine due to high fever
today, no news from him for the whole day
seriously worried


p/s: there is a reason why i couldnt do it

Monday, August 10, 2009

kalau Nk berniaga Bt cara Nk berniaga

semalam aku dh bengang psl nie
ditambah lg oleh org 2 dr ptg smpai ke pg

pg semalam aku dh sewa kreta
nk g ambik jubah konvo my sis n jln2 skit
sbb smlm bas xde, kepala lutut xmengizinkan untuk jln
pdhl aku dh booked dr ari khamis or jumaat lg
1/2 jam sblm nk ambik die msg ckp kreta xde
bengong ke ape
1st thing yg aku pikir, jubah kakak aku cmne????

bengong, bengong, bengong okeh
aku bukannya baru ckp pg semalam nk sewa
lepas sesi maki memaki dgn sms
aku cari la alternatif lain
tup2 dpt jgk pegi ambik jubah

n aku nk kuar jgk smlm sbb hati tgh panas, dr dk bilik
sure aku dk menyumpah seranah org 2 je kejenye
habiskn duit sket, ps2 tgk muvi....GI Joe dgn The Proposal
at least ada jgk bnda yg bleh bt aku gelak kn

n semalam telah dilecture sedikit oleh coach yg tersyg sbb my injury
"oh god nadia, dh lama sgt dh ur injury, u should go see a doc"
dh more than 2 months aku tetap xpegi klinik
ok sir, hari ni sy pegi okeh

at least somebody care


p/s: rasa mcm nk tuka no phone, klau jadik la aku bgtau yer

JGN sebok okeh

there are many ways to advice people
but as a civilized people, we tend to use ways that people can easily accept our advice right????
bukannya cara yg bleh bt org 2 benci n meluat okeh

i pn xphm knpa stgh2 org rsa cara mcm 2 lebih berkesan
pdhal, bila dh benci n meluat, lg nk buat ada la....

p/s: duit aku, aku punyer psl okeh!!!!

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Puasa 0h Puasa

hari nie, selamat puasa sunat sempena Nisfu Syaaban
sgt2 penat ari nie, bersahur jgk la, siap my mom kejut plak 2
act masa my mom call, i ingtkn bunyi alarm, so trus ttp ps2 sahur
lepas 2 alarm bunyi balik, aik??? pelik dh
tgk2, yg td my mom yg call....baik punyer anak, hehehe
bersahur dgn biskut tiger free, McD yg bg, sekeping n air kosong.....

terjadik 1 kejadian yg sgt memalukan okeh
xnk cite sbb malu
tp dgn pantasnya dpt dihandle....kekeke
thanks to mira yg inform i
klau x abis la

cite yg sbnrnya
ari 2 i sruh my mom belikan tiket bas KB-Penang untk cuti mid sem ni
nk 23hb pagi, sbb nk puasa kt rumah 22hb 2
tup2, smua dh abis
yg ada 21hb jer
terpaksa la mengorbankn diri berpuasa kt Penang on 1st Ramadhan....sedey okeh
nk dtg lambat pon xboleh sbb tkt ada test yg menanti
i dh redha dgn nasib yg akan menimpa diri ini
sape sruh lambat
kn dh padan muka 2

my bff, suezack demam, n doc sruh die jgn kuar kt public:10:
masa i tau 2, tgh mamai bgn tdo ptg td
xtnya bnyk2 pon
so, mkn pon berkirim, jumpa pon nmpk mata jer
nasib baik la yg lain xsmpai thp 2, klau x mknn nk korek mana?????

ada sorg student lab i td pon ada yg dh kena kuarantin
mmg rmai yg kena kuarantin kt cni
tp USM induk xleh tutup sbb mggu dpn ada konvo

i pon nk g jmpa doc jgk
tp risau sbb kt klinik rmai yg demam
nnti berjgkit dgn i yg xde pape ni, ssh
sakit kaki dh makin bertmbh
jln pn mcm nk jatuh jer
klau nmpk yg brader yg hnsem2 sket 2, trus control nk jtuh 2....hahaha
srius la, sgt sakit okeh
mcm mane la nk g lab mggu konvo nnti
nk kena panjat bukit smpai HBP tuh????
tercabut kepala lutut nih syg 0i.....


p/s: suz weh, sembuh2 cepat la, kato nok g bukit meroh la, pc fair la.....
pah gano kiro nih????kekeke


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