okeh2, ini entry psl lelaki ye
disebabkn aku teragak emo dlm seminggu 2 nie
senang la sket nk tulis psl nie

this post bukannya ditulis secara suka2 dan membuta tuli
i'm sorry if anyone feel offended by this post
i'm just judging a boy by his story and giving opinion based on my experience n people around me
so, sorry for anything u didnt like
okeh, about this boy, dh knal lama sgt dh
tp bru btul2 knal sejak 2 menjak nie

there are 4 cases, with 4 different girls
for the first girl
this girl is very2 cute okeh, geram tgk
in relationship since high school, agak lama la
having to know the girl's family very well
ulang alik dr KL-KB
but in the end, this man stops to care
no more messages
no more gud nite wishes...(hahaha, yg ni i tambah k, kekeke)
it finally ended after both of them being stranger for quite a while
then the second girl
they know each other through internet
but this one was quite quick i think
xbrape nk ingt dh
this story was told month before
but they were still friends
n i think that girl is married now
the 3rd girl
this one was quick too
berkenalan masa aktiviti universiti
yg peliknya, this girl dh ada bf, n still lg dk menggatal
yg laki pon gatal jgk
n they did in a relationship for a while
so that means, 2 bf at a time
then, mcm yg lepas2
si laki nie malas dh nk melayan
the end for them
the last girl
yg nie mmg lawa, ayu jer
but this one is hard to get
lupa la, masa 1st year orientasi kn???
kononnya tgk 2 trus berkenan
n this boy mmg sngguh2 cari this girl lps 2
jmpa ym, but this girl xpnh layan....kekeke
then, on one fine day
this girl actually lyn
then the story of them begins
tp bnda sama je lst2 yg jadi
the boy stops to care lg
act the story are very long
mls nk cite details satu2 for every case
sbb in the end, endingnya ttp sama je klau perasan
what can i say about this boy?
player? yes!!! absolutely yes....hahaha
the girls? itu baru yg die cite, yg xcite ramai lg
kekasih gelap xyah cakap la
hangat2 tahik ayam???? betul betul betul
kalau dh nk 2 sggp bt ape pon, asalkan dpt
bila dpt, syg
lama2 sket, dtg perangai mls nk melayan
mls nk sms, mls nk ambik tau
seriously bdk ni mmg la xmatured lg
xpk masa yg dihabiskan untk pmpuan2 2
bergayut siang malam
topup yg betimbun2 kadnyer klau simpan
tp sememangnya laki lain pon mcm nie, ada la, bkn semua
diorang pk bila dh dpt, no worries dh
sure melekat smpai kawin
hampeh betul la, die ingt pmpuan ni ape, tunggul kayu????
xde perasaan? xde keje nk melekat kt org yg xkesah psl kite?
okeh2, ni mcm dh emo dh

one thing is, this boy is not fighting for it
act, i xtau yg this boy really2 serious psl pmpuan2 2 or x?
pslnyer, die mcm xkesah
pelik betul
bila ditanya syg ke x, die jwb syg
then apesal la xfight, xperthnkn relatinship 2
aduhai la budak
xtau nk ckp dh
one thing yg die ckp bt i rasa terharu
"kalau kena pilih between pmpuan dgn mmber2, aku pilih mmber2 aku"
lebih kurg mcm 2 la, but he is a really good fren ape....hahaha
xingt plak, korg smua xtau sape die....kekeke
boy, u need to fight for it if u do want it
psl member ngan pmpuan nie
smua 2 bleh balance
klau org lain bleh bt, kite pn boleh
jdkn pmpuan 2 mmber kpd your mmber2
so, problem solved
ckp mmg sng kn, tp try dulu
almost my frens said that men are all the same
ye2, i agree
tp bukan dlm smua aspek
= semua kena ikut cara die
= die je yg nk menang
= die bt boleh, tp kite bt xleh
=salah kite je yg die slalu nmpk, salah die???
itu siket je, bnyk lg, tp mls nk list bnyk2, nnti ramai yg mngutuk nnti
i know yg laki beh jd boring, yg ni xthn, yg 2 xthn, xsggp dh la, xsuka 2, xsuka ni
but did he ever thought that girl also could feel the same about him??????
konon2nya, i terima segala kelemahan n kelebihan u
itu ayat mula2 kenal
this boy xjmpa lg girl yg sepatutnya bg die, sbb 2 jadik cmnie
klau dh jmpa nnti, i'm sure, she will change u into a better person
gud luck!!!

p/s: post ni x ditujukn untk sape2 okeh.....
disebabkn aku teragak emo dlm seminggu 2 nie
senang la sket nk tulis psl nie

this post bukannya ditulis secara suka2 dan membuta tuli
i'm sorry if anyone feel offended by this post
i'm just judging a boy by his story and giving opinion based on my experience n people around me
so, sorry for anything u didnt like
okeh, about this boy, dh knal lama sgt dh
tp bru btul2 knal sejak 2 menjak nie

there are 4 cases, with 4 different girls
for the first girl
this girl is very2 cute okeh, geram tgk
in relationship since high school, agak lama la
having to know the girl's family very well
ulang alik dr KL-KB
but in the end, this man stops to care
no more messages
no more gud nite wishes...(hahaha, yg ni i tambah k, kekeke)
it finally ended after both of them being stranger for quite a while
then the second girl
they know each other through internet
but this one was quite quick i think
xbrape nk ingt dh
this story was told month before
but they were still friends
n i think that girl is married now
the 3rd girl
this one was quick too
berkenalan masa aktiviti universiti
yg peliknya, this girl dh ada bf, n still lg dk menggatal
yg laki pon gatal jgk
n they did in a relationship for a while
so that means, 2 bf at a time
then, mcm yg lepas2
si laki nie malas dh nk melayan
the end for them
the last girl
yg nie mmg lawa, ayu jer
but this one is hard to get
lupa la, masa 1st year orientasi kn???
kononnya tgk 2 trus berkenan
n this boy mmg sngguh2 cari this girl lps 2
jmpa ym, but this girl xpnh layan....kekeke
then, on one fine day
this girl actually lyn
then the story of them begins
tp bnda sama je lst2 yg jadi
the boy stops to care lg
act the story are very long
mls nk cite details satu2 for every case
sbb in the end, endingnya ttp sama je klau perasan
what can i say about this boy?
player? yes!!! absolutely yes....hahaha
the girls? itu baru yg die cite, yg xcite ramai lg
kekasih gelap xyah cakap la
hangat2 tahik ayam???? betul betul betul
kalau dh nk 2 sggp bt ape pon, asalkan dpt
bila dpt, syg
lama2 sket, dtg perangai mls nk melayan
mls nk sms, mls nk ambik tau
seriously bdk ni mmg la xmatured lg
xpk masa yg dihabiskan untk pmpuan2 2
bergayut siang malam
topup yg betimbun2 kadnyer klau simpan
tp sememangnya laki lain pon mcm nie, ada la, bkn semua
diorang pk bila dh dpt, no worries dh
sure melekat smpai kawin
hampeh betul la, die ingt pmpuan ni ape, tunggul kayu????
xde perasaan? xde keje nk melekat kt org yg xkesah psl kite?
okeh2, ni mcm dh emo dh

one thing is, this boy is not fighting for it
act, i xtau yg this boy really2 serious psl pmpuan2 2 or x?
pslnyer, die mcm xkesah
pelik betul
bila ditanya syg ke x, die jwb syg
then apesal la xfight, xperthnkn relatinship 2
aduhai la budak
xtau nk ckp dh
one thing yg die ckp bt i rasa terharu
"kalau kena pilih between pmpuan dgn mmber2, aku pilih mmber2 aku"
lebih kurg mcm 2 la, but he is a really good fren ape....hahaha
xingt plak, korg smua xtau sape die....kekeke
boy, u need to fight for it if u do want it
psl member ngan pmpuan nie
smua 2 bleh balance
klau org lain bleh bt, kite pn boleh
jdkn pmpuan 2 mmber kpd your mmber2
so, problem solved
ckp mmg sng kn, tp try dulu
almost my frens said that men are all the same
ye2, i agree
tp bukan dlm smua aspek
= semua kena ikut cara die
= die je yg nk menang
= die bt boleh, tp kite bt xleh
=salah kite je yg die slalu nmpk, salah die???
itu siket je, bnyk lg, tp mls nk list bnyk2, nnti ramai yg mngutuk nnti
i know yg laki beh jd boring, yg ni xthn, yg 2 xthn, xsggp dh la, xsuka 2, xsuka ni
but did he ever thought that girl also could feel the same about him??????
konon2nya, i terima segala kelemahan n kelebihan u
itu ayat mula2 kenal
this boy xjmpa lg girl yg sepatutnya bg die, sbb 2 jadik cmnie
klau dh jmpa nnti, i'm sure, she will change u into a better person
gud luck!!!

p/s: post ni x ditujukn untk sape2 okeh.....
oooo..i like dis post.
boys r dangerous!!
but..no offense plis.ekeke
lelaki ini..huh!!
ha chemo:huhu, they are kn????
Ain: hehe, klau tau sape lg menarik kn??? tp identitinya kena dirahsia kn....hehehe
aku lelaki,dan aku teruja!KihKih
-aku respek ini laki!lu mmg jantan abis,err ada phone number?
-lu kalo turun arsenal,gua letak u top striker!
-laki bkn mcm pompan bg gua,itu membe,membe,itu awek,awek,itu membe bukan awek,ahh apa gua mrepek
-ini laki ada privacy-prob mungkin,itu cerita dia,dia punya cerita,buat apa mau bg awek tau kihkih
-itu perenggan yg hmpir last,itu gua sokong,kami lelaki mau jadi pemimpin,semua kena betul KihKih
-err disini ada ejen pencari jodoh x?
kuwe:pemimpin pon bknnya semua decision yg dibuat 2 betul, kena la consider org lain jgk.....aduhai
kalau dh laki 2, laki la jgk.....
saya cepat boring dengan orang yang sama. after a few days, boring. tahan2. after a few months, boring. tahan2. after 2 years, mak aih... bila nak kawen ni? ahaiiiii.....
ala emak kahwin kan akuuuu....
kak shaleen: hah, kawin cepat2, bleh la jln2 kt JB....hehehe + jmpa kucing2 akak.....kiki
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