Wednesday, December 30, 2009

besday MOM....

Happy Birthday MOM!!!
luv u always

bestnyer klau bleh balik weekend nie

p/s: sape bleh repair laptop ni eh???anyone???

Monday, December 28, 2009

Soo Long........

ok2, i know, dh lebih kurang 3 minggu xtulis pape
sibuk la katekan, kekeke
bnyk bnda nk bercerita tp 2 minggu lepas kn bekerja
pegi keje matahari xkeluar pn lg, balik keje matahari dh xde dh
tup2 trtido keletihan
2 jela rutin 2 minggu lepas
tido lebih penting dari update blog nie

1st time dpt rasa bekerja ni not bad la
rm50/day tp keje sgt senang
yg sakitnya 12hours a day jela
and 10K++ target capacitors finished per day
kerja kilang je kt Nichicon Malaysia Sdn Bhd
1st time dpt tgk mcm mna capacitors dibuat okeh....

thank god masa keje ni dpt group yg sgt2 baik ati n slumber je
buat keje smbil borak2 tp still dpt 10K element yg siap
penah jgk masuk group yg gila kejar target, tensen2
smpai sakit2 tgn aku bt keje, targetnya ntah kemana
majoriti yg keje adalah golongan indon
diorang baik n bnyk ajar mcm mna nk bt keje
org melayu sndri xnk ajar, ceittt

korang xpayah la mintak2 blanja, duit gaji aku ntah kemana dh
cepat sgt abis weyh
tunggu duit biasiswa
nnti aku blanja air suam okeh.....hehehe

semalam sempat kuar dgn my other half
2 bulan xjumpa okeh.....hehehe
rindu la 2....weeek
nk tgk AVATAR tp die bt xlyn jek
so jln2 jela smbil cover2 mata, kan ada year end sale skrg
duit plak xde, mmg bagus timing die
i'm a happy person
bye2 dear till our next date

kelas dh start ari nie
........xde mood.......
layan survivor samoa final lg best

p/s:laptop ni sket2 mati tiba2, tensen2

Friday, December 4, 2009

I'm LeaVing

i'm leaving tomorrow morning
i know, this is very sudden
me pn xberape nk caya lg

2 days ago
my sis asked if i want to work part-time at my aunt's workplace
ok, i admit, tergamam disitu
sape yg nk bg me yg xpenah keje ni RM50/day
then i said yes

today my aunt confirmed that i've been accepted
need to start working on 7dec
that is 2 days from now
did i mention that the work is in Bangi???
kelam kabut cari tiket td, tomorrow is the only ticket yg available
terpaksa la jgk

i'm going to miss:

along's birthday party tomorrow
games kt fb sape nk tolong main eh?
lots of korean+japanese dramas to be download
yg ni mmg sdih, cite2 ni smua nk buat bekal balik USM
xpe2, duit punyer pasal

this is my first time working
pray for me okeh
i hope everything is going to be fine

p/s:bye2 dear lappy

Sunday, November 22, 2009

I'm HomE

feels good to be home.....huhuhu

and, and......
credits to my dad yg setup wireless connection exclusively for my home
heavenly holidays

jom main cafe world n barn buddy


Thursday, November 19, 2009

we Are 3!!

ini cite 2 minggu lepas act
tp broadband btul2 xleh guna masa 2
so xleh nk update

we are already 3 on 5/11/09

Daisy path ticket kt bwh 2 mcm xgerak2 je

yeah, we were fighting to stay together for 3 years and 2 weeks now
cepat je masa berlalu
tup2 dh 3 years
rasa mcm baru je

its been 3 years 6 months and 4 days since we first met
3 years 2 months and 2 weeks since we first talked to each other


hope we're strong enough to face anything

p/s: yesss!!! exam dh abis.....kekeke

Wednesday, November 18, 2009



finally ber'fuction' jgk modem nih
2 weeks xleh nk 0n9 sbb benda alah 2
tunggu technician dtg pn 1 hal
pdhal dtg tukar modem je pon
5 minit, dh siap!!!

2 weeks wave for this month's bill
ingtkn xdpt
tiap2 ari dk sakit ati ngan maxis je
ari ni dh syg balik kt maxis

p/s:mlm td ter'format' sndri laptop, pandai kn???
skrg ni condition mcm masa mula2 beli 2 thn lepas.....kosong!!!
esok exam-malas stdy

Friday, October 30, 2009


tq soo much dear ama for the flowers and cake

okeh, get back to notes yg bertimbun2

p/s: countdown, 6 days

Sunday, October 25, 2009

BirtHdaY giRL

HappY BirtHDaY SueZack!!


.................Semoga hepi2 selalu...................

....Luv u....



Tuesday, October 20, 2009




mcm xpecaya ape yg jadi mlm td
berhari-hari jugak la risau psl nk balik USM
since that guy knows that i'm leaving last night

masa naik bas, berharap gile ada org dk sebelah sebelum smpai tanah merah
luckily someone from pasir mas seated next to me
laki jgk!!
tp since ada member die kt seat sebelah, die xkan bt pape la kn
okeh, lega
lps 2 trus mati, ngntuk gile

then masa smpai tanah merah
terbukak la mata, then nmpk someone
OMG!!! its him, it is really2 him
then trus pejam mata balik buat2 tdo
seat die just in front of mine
die panggil2 jgk, tp buat bodo jer
then die bgtau laki kt sblh aku 2 yg aku nie kwn die
please okeh!!!!bila ko kawan aku ha?????
then die tnya laki 2, dtg dgn aku ke?????
x la, aku xknal die pn
aku berharap sgt2 die x mintak tukar seat dgn bdk sblh aku ni
luckily die xckp pape
aku ape lg, smbg tdo la

laki sblh aku ni pn 1 hal, tdo 2 xleh dk diam kepala 2
konon-kononnya mcm nk ltk kepala die kt bahu aku
mcm nk tolak biar jatuh terus pon ada
then die sedar kot, terus die paling badan sebelah sana
okeh!!! ko lg baik dr bdk kt dpn tuh

masa stop kt grik pn 1 hal
die sruh bdk laki sblh aku ni kejutkan aku
ape ke hal plak weyh???
die ajak aku pegi minum, aku bt bodo, sambung tdo balik
then nature calls la plak
xleh thn dh
main sorok2 plak kt toilet tuh
aihhh, letih btul la nk mengelak dr bdk nih

nasib baik nothing happens last night

mintak sgt2 aku xkn jmpa die lg dh


Monday, October 19, 2009

Abis DaH........

i'm going back 2 usm tonight
aihhh, takut sgt nk naik bas mlm ni
sabor jela


dear GOD, help me
i wish that i'm not gonna see him again, ever!!!!



Friday, October 16, 2009


these kids really swept away my boringness and missing someone

''kak nadiah, kak nadiah"
"yes, i'm coming"


mmmm, this morning
my parent, sister n brother went to Nilai
saje jln2 sambil pegi kt adik yg kt USIM
i've been thinking a lot, sama ada nk ikut ke x
at last xikut, malas nk muntah2 atas kreta
n my mom jeling2 je td....hehehe

they also went to KL to see my uncle
he has been diagnose with leukemia last week
agak terkejut jgk bila dpt berita nie
but nothing impossible kn
all i can do is pray for his health

my sis closet is mine while she's away....haha
and yesterday we got a new 42-inch plasma TV
seriously dreams come true

p/s: ada tv pn boring jgk....aihh

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Dasar Lelaki

i'm home

but last night is unforgettable one
who's at fault? me? him?
me: for being nice
him: for taking advantage of me

muka nampak baik, xsemestinya baik
muka nampak jahat, xsemestinya jahat kn??
memang dasar lelaki suka ambik kesempatan
baik mcm mana pn, yg 1 ni mmg ada
all of this is based on experience ok!
bukan saja2 ckp

i couldnt sleep all the way to KB
afraid of what he might do
seriously mmg menakutkan bila jmpa someone yg mcm xpenah jmpa perempuan
thank GOD, i am able to defend myself
kekerasan bukan jln keluar okeh

i always feel safe even when i'm all alone with strangers
now not anymore
trust is harder to get since last night
nk ckp sombong pn ko punyer psl la
aku xkesah ko sape
kenal pn x nk lebih2 plak

to LADIES, pandai2 la jaga diri

prevention: naik bas lepas ni beli single seat, kalau x jgn harap ko bleh balik!!!

p/s:broadband mcm siput, wireless xdpt, tv plak rosak....bagus2

Sunday, October 11, 2009

sabor jela

Saturday, October 10, 2009


i think the viruses are very fond of me
here comes again the fever
my body just couldn't resists it


p/s: lapar eh

Untitled or ****** UP

how pathetic when u're pretending like an actor

dont even tell me the reason

coz it doesnt matter

the truth may hurt myself

i'm OK if said so

just continue ur routines

i'll be OK by myself

Friday, October 9, 2009


i'm going home this tuesday
dh beli tiket dh pagi td

miss my mom sooo much!!

i've already finished organic chem test 2 earlier tonight
another 2 tests waiting to be taken
analysis chem on monday n algebra on tuesday
seriously being lazy tonight sbb sgt2 letih
this weekend is going to be a mess
but amazing holiday next week


am i hurting myself 4 being more understanding????
is it worth it???
if this is my other half needed, so u'll have it

p/s: off to sleep....

Thursday, October 8, 2009

mY HomiE~

bila ek?
semalam kot, my mom called suruh balik rumah minggu ni
aikk??? asal plak???
nk pegi berubat my finger yg xelok2 lg since the accident
ye2, my finger mmg mcm dh nk keras dh, so sebelum xleh guna baik g berubat cepat!!

so, i'm going home!!!!!:17:
tapi bukan weekend nie la
sbb tomorrow night ada test, ps2 ari isnin ada lg test

my plan:
PEN-KBR tuesday night
KBR-PEN monday night

esok nk g cari tiket, harap2 ada la

our final exam schedule has been confirmed today

these are mine:

5/11/2009 Thursday 9-12pm DP C
MAT 222 - Differential Equations II

9/11/2009 Monday 9-12pm DUD RST
KOT 222 - Organic Chemistry II

12/11/2009 Thursday 2.15-5.15pm DP D
MAA 111 - Algebra for Science Students

19/11/2009 Thursday 2.15-5.15pm DP B
KAT 241 - Analytical Chemistry II

i'm very happy with the schedule, xmcm yg sblm2 nie
ada gap yg bleh sy main2, xde la tension sgt kn???

and there's one thing
i think no celebration for this year
its ok


p/s: i think, no more softball......:20:

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

good luck

aiseh, esok dh start PMR
rasa mcm kejap je masa berlalu
ckp mcm dri sndri kena ambik exam esok....hahaha

tomorrow, my youngest brother will be sitting for the exam
i know he's been lectured too many times about how he studied
yela kn, cara study xsama, tp kami sebagai kakak potpet2 la jgk

i'll pray for your success
no matter what the results, i'll always love u
i know u've been trying hard to compete

do your best dear
good luck!!


Monday, October 5, 2009

A moMent.....

when a fever strikes
along with chest pain
able to hear my own heart beats

all i need is to rest properly
but my body just couldn't collaborate
and i'm all awake after 2 hours of uncomfortable sleep

how i wished my mom is here......aihhh



~BirtHDaY GiRL~


hepi birthday pijah!!!

i wished for your happiness and hope 'kesengalan' kamu will never ends



Sunday, October 4, 2009


another freakin'-fantastic day yesterday
we went to see these movies

sorority row

cite ni best, bleh sakit jantung gak la

the perfect gateway

mmm, cite ni mcm kureng sket, tp ok la jgk

while i am with these movies, my buddies were with the bunkface band, they were performing for 'Sparkling Indonesia' programme here at USM
and yeah, they have a great time
ce jenguk FB, dh upload gambar dh

sgt seronok okeh, semalam i manage to find raya cookies kt Giant...:17:
since biskut kt rumah dh licin, carik kt kedai pn xde
almost a week craving for raya cookies

supernatural s05 e03

castiel: where is god?
rafael: dont you heard, he is dead

aihhh, sabor jela

p/s: ari ni bt assignmnt....

Friday, October 2, 2009


sori sgt2 kt ha yg menge'tag', dh lama sgt dh, lebih sebulan gak la
baru nk buat

ada 1 lg pending tag

here it goes

Alangkah baik sekiranya anda menulis 25 perkara yang orang tak tahu semasa anda kecil. Dihujung entri, anda harus memilih 5 orang untuk ditag.

banyak sgt 25 nie, sket2 jela eh

mmmm, masa kecik2 dulu tok ngan cik yg jaga masa parent pegi keje, 1st time masuk tadika pn cik yg anta, pegi naik basikal, hehe.....then, nangis2 xbg cik balik, so cik tggu la smpai abis.....cian kt cik....but that's the only memory masa masuk tadika, sbb lepas 2 terus masuk pre-school....

masa kecik2 dulu sgt2 nakal rasanya, mmg xleh dk rumah, slalu je nk merayap......even parent marah pn, kejap je dk rumah, ps2 terus hilang, bkn pegi mana pn, pegi rumah belakang je.....bila parent kunci pintu pagar, panjat pagar plak, xpn merangkak bwh pagar, sbb mcm ada space, muat la nk kuar......

slalu jer kena rotan ngan abah......penah la 1x, hasut adik pegi mandi sungai dgn kwn2, ps2 pegi la, bila balik 2 dh agak dh parent tau, senyap2 la nk masuk pintu belakang, then there's my abah dgn his fav lidi.....aihh, kt situ jgk kena sebat, adik pn kena jgk la.....keke

penah la gaduh dgn member 1 kampung, then ktorang main antar2 surat, die antar kt mailbox dpn rumah, then klau reply pn letak kt situ jgk.....aihh, bdk2, mcm 2 la......haha

klau masa cuti sekolah, slalu dk rumah tok n cik sbb ramai cousins, bleh main2.....penah la 1x main lumba2 basikal ps2 jatuh, luka kt siku kanan, kena jahit jgk la, xtau brape jahitan.....(the one and only daughter yg nakal mcm ni)

masa sekolah rendah dulu, 1 school dgn my mom, majoriti anak2 cikgu jd pengawas, eh, bukan majority, smua ok! so terjadi la pengawas, tp xleh harap....hahaha

kena gastrik sejak standard 3 lagik, penah la kena gastrik yg sgt teruk kt rumah, mmg nmpk la my parent yg risau, tp xpegi hospital xtau knpa, yg ingt, my dad xhenti2 baca ayat al-quran masa 2......owh, i luv u abah

dulu ada best fren jgk la kt kampung, nama die Fadhilah, xtau la btul ke x eja ni....slalu la lepak2 kt rumah die, then ada panjat 1 pokok nie, alahai peha terkepit between ranting pokok plak, ranting ke? mcm besar je.....nasib baik ayah Fadhilah ada masa 2, 2 pn ssh payah baru bleh kuarkn kaki......

sgt rapat dgn my aunties, cik imah n cik noni, sebab masa baby2 lg mak bg tok ngan cik jaga, my aunties tgh skolah lg masa 2.....until now, dh beranak-pinak dh makcik2 kesayangan ni....

my 1st time makan KFC is with my aunties, sbb my parents xpenah ajar makan fast food.....seriously, my dad smpai skrg xpenah kuarkn duit untk anak2 mkn fast food, my dad ckp klau nk mkn guna duit sndri......kekeke

penah jatuh dr balkoni rumah, agak tggi jgk la bg bdk2.....sape ntah yg tolak, xingt dh, then my dad cept2 angkt masuk rumah, cek kot2 ada yg patah....nasib baik xde, tp due this incident rasanya, my spine prob came right after SPM.....aihh

masa kecik2 slalu raya kt rumah atok, xksh psl family dh klau time raya......keke, tp penah kena gastrik masa 1st day raya then the my beloved aunt kena chickenpox, sama2 nangis, org lain smua pegi raya....

masa standard 5, tukar sekolah baru sbb my mom's school jauh sgt dr rumah......theres soo much memory here, a lot of frens and we still are........the best memory, dpt 1st place in high jump, the first gold medal, after that, semua bnda main, lari2 je x, sbb xlarat.......hehehe

udah ler, bnyk dh 2, xtau nk tulis ape dh
tp my childhood mmg sgt2 best
klau org yg xberape kenal msti terkejut sbb nakal sgt
bila ada org tau main sofbol pn dh terkejut dh
"wah cikgu, nmpk cikgu mcm lembik jah"
hahaha, 2 la psl kn, dont judge a book by its cover

xnk tag sape2, i know smua org tgh bz skrg, tp klau ada sape2 nk bt, please do
best jgk bile ingt bnda2 yg dh lama ni

p/s:anok sapo la buah sgt nih.....

Tuesday, September 29, 2009


hehehe, akhirnya dpt jgk gambar nie
nk abis sem dh
aslkn dpt sudah

muka tuan punyer bdn trpksa dicensored kn atas permintaan
hanya orang yg terpilih je yg tau sape kn......kekeke


p/s: mcm nk main jongkang-jongkit la plak
(congek cakdung ore klate pggl)

ALL New SeasoN Of.......

seriously, before raya ari 2 gossip girl season 3 dh start airing
then, mcm cendawan plak, series yg lain pn start airing jgk

tp xleh nk melayan sgt sbb internet lembab gile
kalau dk rumah mmg heaven la

Grey's Anatomy Season 6

season 5 pn xtgk abis lg.....kekeke
xpe, nk g carik DVD nnti....hehe

survivor season 19: survivor samoa

sudah 2 episod, best mcm biasa la

the vampire diaries Season 1

citer ni best okeh
vampire sgt hensem

House MD Season 6

Supernatural Season 5

citer ni makin lama makin mengarut
seriously opposite dgn ape yg kite sebagai orang Islam tahu psl apocalypse

Gossip Girl Season 3

mmmm, mcm kureng sket season ni
tp baru 2 episod
kot2 episod lepas2 ni best mna la tau kn
suka sgt tgk new couple chuck n blair
sweet n romantic giler

p/s: nk pakwe romantic cm chuck bley??? tp xplayboy mcm ****......hehe


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