this gathering has been planned months ago
n its only happened this evening
since everyone is in holiday rite now
even its in holiday, still only 7 of us can make it
yg lain??? personal problems laaa
one of my member or abe kuwe has requested me to put his pic alone
n there u go
ni pic plg comel ar
couldn't agree more..........haha

we met at pizza hut kubang kerian about 2.30pm
thanks to abe kuwe for the meal
before this he said he's only paying for me and wiwi
but instead he's paying for everyone
thank you for your kindness
mahal tue....kiki
~there goes the pics~
bos pnyer gamba letak bnyk2 sket
paeh n kuwe

drooling again

shury, me, nurin n wiwi
7 wonders

bila dh kenyang mkn
we went to ani's house
since she can't make it today
abe kuwe jakun
tetiba nk ambik gamba dlm kete baru la konon2nya

since dh lewat ptg, we need to call it a day
klau bleh, still nk spend time dgn diorg smua
seriously, they really made my day

n its only happened this evening
since everyone is in holiday rite now
even its in holiday, still only 7 of us can make it
yg lain??? personal problems laaa
one of my member or abe kuwe has requested me to put his pic alone
n there u go
ni pic plg comel ar
couldn't agree more..........haha
we met at pizza hut kubang kerian about 2.30pm
thanks to abe kuwe for the meal
before this he said he's only paying for me and wiwi
but instead he's paying for everyone
thank you for your kindness
mahal tue....kiki
~there goes the pics~
drooling again
bila dh kenyang mkn
we went to ani's house
since she can't make it today
tetiba nk ambik gamba dlm kete baru la konon2nya

since dh lewat ptg, we need to call it a day
klau bleh, still nk spend time dgn diorg smua
seriously, they really made my day
